Preventing the development of microorganisms that cause disease and natural weak acidic vagina Wednesday there in the fall of microflora from the outside. Penetration protection, infection, and further, the uterus and ovaries, service, mucus, cervix. A healthy woman outward normal mucus excretion is a physiological event. Only change his appearance a different phase of the menstrual cycle. In some cases watery discharge that emerge the woman's norm. Timely diagnosis of serious disease but sometimes their causes are dependent on the success of the treatment.
Why natural liquid discharge in women this report
Changes in consistency and volume of secretions during the phase cycle. Cervical mucus produced by the glands depends on the ratio providing production of female hormones density and maturation of the egg. Immediately after the end of menstruation, comes from a “dry” period. The content less estrogen, the mucous membrane of the tube the discharge is most intense almost there.
As it grows, maturing of eggs and ovulation estrogen levels obtained at the time of discharge and the discharge is more watery the consistency of egg whites. The smallest density is observed after a few days of ovulation (a mature egg's protective bubble). Consistency provides an environment free pass liquid found in sperm, eggs, uterus, transport and more. In this phase, the estrogen content is reduced, plays an important role, progesterone, embryo development property to provide conditions for more.
A fertilized egg in her uterus swells and a better stabilization of the epithelial layer is relaxed. The liquid content of the tissues increases. Is all this clear liquid discharge a woman's genital organs. Late in the menstrual cycle when the mucus begins to thicken . Your pregnancy, has arrived, is happening, rejection of the endometrium (the epithelial layer) revenue, pieces, and a new cycle begins.
Therefore, the emergence of liquid, such as water and odorless discharge close to the middle during the second half cycle, the physiological norm. This is not a woman observed any unpleasant sensation.
Liquid, such as water discharge may also occur in the following cases:
- in pregnancy;
- during sexual intercourse (because of increased natural lubrication during sexual arousal);
- as a result, frequently changing sexual partners (because of changes in vaginal microflora);
- hormonal changes during can cause lack of regular sexual life, pregnancy for protection against gormonoterapii use both medication and antibiotics;
- because of the stress, biochemical processes in the body, including women in climate change that affect hormone production.
Watery discharge during pregnancy
During the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. In this way, maturation is hindered, new egg and embryo in the uterus is held firmly. Therefore, the discharge usually watery.
12-13 week begins, to increase concentration, estrogen the woman's body for birth and the money that provides a new fetal cell (changing status of cervical tissue, the mucous diluted tube). 2 emergence watery discharge in women. and 3. trimester if it is in them naturally colorless, odorless, together with burning, itching.
In late pregnancy liquid, such as water discharge appears due to the mixing of mucus with the urine is excreted. By bringing the fetus in the uterus and pressure on the bladder, he is not completely closed.
When you include a watery discharge a symptom of pregnancy pathology
Women who have dangerous symptoms include:
- the first week of pregnancy watery vaginal discharge with the appearance;
- a bad smell (rotten, sour, or fish);
- Yesil, yellow, gray paint (witness, in the presence of bacteria);
- brown or red discharge (symptoms of internal bleeding);
- irritated and itchy skin, groin, vagina burning;
- sparkling or other unusual structure, discharge;
- increase heat;
- lower abdominal pain.
This view may show signs of inflammatory processes, infection, sexually transmitted infections. The threat that is created, low, or complications at birth, probably during the passage through the birth canal of fetal infection.
In addition: the superior features of all of this there's not one woman, but such as water discharge, there are yellow and a sweetish odor, the saliva fluid of the amniotic sac to talk about this. The middle of this dangerous pregnancy causes premature birth, fetal death. Finally, saliva pregnancy preterm birth indication.
Which diseases in women resulting liquid separation
Why a watery discharge may be infectious, inflammation and defeat of the reproductive system, the uterus, and attachments.
Salpingidis – the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, damage, swelling, wounds and mucous membranes, resulting in swelling of the tissues. Is narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, the violation of the land. Hard eggs a seizure and motion to their tubes, the uterus. Published in parts by inflammation, fluid accumulates, and abundant mucous discharge out of the uterus.
If the inflammation is not treated, then it becomes chronic, this election twilight, Yesil-yellow color due to impurities pus.
Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerella). Natural microflora in the vagina gardnerella pathogenic microbes exposed due to violation because of this illness. Violation may cause the wrong douching, change of sexual partner (unprotected sex), use the appropriate non-contraceptives, antibiotics intake.
The inflammation then spreads, uterus and extensions. With this disease the characteristic symptom of watery, yellow discharge often with the smell of fish.
Note: she's a normal woman gardnerella moderation is always available. Contribute to goiter, increased reproduction.
Candidiasis (Thrush) - defeat a mushroom vagina. Reproduction in fungi, due to the existing microflora dysbacteriosis. This occurs in the vaginitis (inflammation of vaginal mucosa) or vulvovajinit (concurrent defeat in the outer part of genital). A woman's income tvorozistogo this choice there is some sort of sour smell. Felt severe itching, swelling, genital organs, general weakness. Painful and frequent urination.
Cervical erosion. The causes of erosion are varied: inflammatory and infectious diseases, injuries, cervical abortion and birth time. Slimy blood discharge liquid impurities. They'll be performing the employee purulent mucho.
Service. Inflammation of the uterus, often accompanying erosion. There is a great danger of infection and rising road, uterus and extensions.
Cervical cancer. Discharge abundant liquid it looks like water, then the damaged tissue and lymph leaked.
Dysmenorrhea - pathology related to the excessive growth of the uterus spreads to the inner lining of pipe, and even the abdominal cavity. This violation related to the process studies, and ovarian hormone production. There is a watery discharge, veins, blood, bad smell. Appears monthly before immediately after they are powered.
Sexually transmitted diseases (sexually transmitted infection pathogens). These include: gonorrhea, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and other. During the initial phase of selection, juicy, with an unpleasant odor. Women with serious complications of the inflammatory process, which results the wide. Needs to be treated at the same time to both sexual partners.